Your quick and easy guide to small business grants

14825678_MOne thing most small business owners (and really everyone in general) can agree on is that when it comes to money, they could always use a little more! Unfortunately, as we all know too well, money doesn’t grow on trees, and when business is slow, finding funding can be yet another struggle.

Whether the economy is booming or if it’s in recession, there’s one money resource that you may not have thought of for extra money — grants. Yes, the process of applying can be a bit tedious, but the benefits far outweigh the hassle of asking for the money. Here are a few top grant-giving institutions you might want to check out for your next project.

1) Federal Agencies – Start with the Small Business Administration and see what grants it currently has up for grabs.

2) Community Development Corporations – Many towns and cities have these kinds of establishments already in place to provide assistance to small business owners. If you haven’t done so already, check with them to see what kind of funding might be available in your area.

3) Corporations – Many large corporations offer grants and monies to small businesses. Wal-Mart’s Local Giving Program awards grants starting from $250 to $2,500, and many other companies do the same.

It’s never too late to see what your options are as far as grant money is concerned. Figure out what type of grant would work best for your business, and then get to work on the application process. We know you work hard, and having a little extra money can make things easier!